What’s all the hype with a healthy lifestyle anyway?

I’m sure you’ve heard a friend or family member that is on a new diet or trying a new workout. Maybe you are. It could be eating healthy, going to the gym, taking exercise classes, trying crossfit, or just trying to live a happier life. There’s fad diets that come and go. There’s new exercise phenomenon that start popping up in new gyms. With the ever-changing market, fitness trends are bound to come and go as well.
There is so many things out there that can claim to help you get healthy – but let’s start with the why.
Why do people want to get healthy?
What is the hype behind making these changes to live a healthy lifestyle?
Americans get run down by too much work and not taking care of themselves. This can lead to poor health, bad decision making, and ultimately the inability to function. So we are making a change.
People want to be happy and live longer lives to enjoy the future. They want to see their grandchildren grow up and possibly meet their great grandchildren. Healthy living can help you feel better overall and give you more energy. People enjoy the satisfaction that comes when getting on a scale, looking in the mirror, or running their first 5K. Healthy living also includes emotional wellness, so people are happier and less moody or aggressive. Furthermore, it aids in creating positive and lasting relationships with family and friends. And with the help of social media, you can connect with people all over the world working towards the same goals.

Everyone’s why is different. What is your why?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wanted to change something about your physical appearance? One day, I did just that. I was tired of feeling lethargic, uncomfortable, and unhappy. I joined a gym, starting eating healthier, and began taking some wellness supplements. I started working on a better me and it paid off. But I realized the physical change was nothing compared to the emotional. For me, a healthy lifestyle is all about emotional wellness. Yes, I liked the physical effects of eating healthy and working out, but it’s more about my stress levels and emotional health. Exercise for me is a huge stress reducer and it’s a little bit of personal time each day. I am less moody, aggressive, and generally happier.
The Mayo Clinic publishes several benefits of regular physical activity as:
Weight control
Fights health conditions and diseases
Improves mood
Boosts energy
Promotes better sleep
Helps with sex life
And it can be fun! 
So with everything out there, people are bound to get caught in the hype at some point. The next step is to figure out to which steps to take and live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life. No more guilt; no more failed resolutions; Just a healthy life.


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